Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Late night 23

As you can probably see from the time stamps of these posts. I'm a night owl. I hate getting up before 9a and usually am awake until at least 2am. There are only a few occasions in which I voluntarily get up 'early' in the morning. And when I do get up in the morning, I'm not the most pleasant of people. My friends and family can share many a story on that fact, I'm sure.

I remember once during my freshman year of college, I was living in Clovia. We had rooms with our clothes and desks and such in them (usually 4 roommates to one of those rooms) and then a "sleeping porch" that had all the beds for that floor on it. I was headed out of my room to the sleeping porch when one of my roommates was headed into the room. "Oh, you got up early today too I see." she said. It was about 5am. "Nope I'm just headed off to bed. Night." Was my response. That wasn't the last time I had that conversation with someone.

Up until now I've been mostly lucky enough to have jobs where waking up before 9a isn't an every day occurrence. Maybe just once a week type of thing. ;) Lucky me! Though I'm guessing in these next 30 years I won't be as lucky.

Bucket list- I want to live on a farm in the country. One so I can stay up late and sit on my porch, look at the stars and no one would really know. But I really want to own more animals. Especially dogs and horses.

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