Tuesday, July 3, 2012

30 days to 30 years

So in 30 days (almost just 29, but I'm getting this in under the wire) I will be turning 30 years old. Or as I like to call it Twenty Ten! I haven't really been looking forward to it, but there are the days that I'm at least not hating it all the way. I have decided though to help me cope, I am going to share some memories or facts about me you might not know. And then to help me look towards the future, I'm going to share a 'bucket list' item.

So for this first fact- it's an obvious one to me right now, as I only have ten minutes to get this done on the 30th day. It's that I'm a procrastinator. A HORRIBLE procrastinator! Even on seemingly fun things like this, I will push to the last minute. I will find something, anything else that 'NEEDS' to get done first. I've been meaning to work on this flaw...maybe next week. ;)
(random pic of me because I didn't have time to find one that fit)

And let's see a 'bucket list' item...We will start simple. While my current job is considered full time during the school year, I would really like a job that is full time year round (even if I still work at a school and get summers off) and that I really enjoy. That is one my main priorities right now, so lets pray this one gets done within the next year.

Whew, just made it!

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