Monday, August 11, 2014

Wrapping it up

It's been over two years. I'm going to finish the bucket list, but not the facts. At least I can say I half way finished this project and hopefully I can do better with my new projects.

11. To sing in the Messiah
10. To sell something from my Etsy store (yes, I know I need to actually put things back on there in order for this to happen)
9. Own a Jeep Wrangler
8. Travel to Australia/New Zealand and see more of Europe
7. See the rodeo in Cheyenne, WY
6. Watch a K-State football game from the press box
5. Buy a pair of Jimmy Choo or Louboutin shoes
4. Learn to make Swedish Pizza
3. Complete this blog list (seriously, I don't know why it's so hard to think of 30 things I want to do?)
2. Learn to shoot a bow and arrow.
1. Find the one God has chosen for me, get married and start a family.

Ok, folks sorry this took so long and thanks for sticking with me.

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