Thursday, July 25, 2013

Dirt Road 18

Growing up in the country had many perks to it. One of the perks for me was that I had endless 'scratch paper' in our dirt driveway to draw on.

My absolute favorite things to draw were floor plans of houses. I would draw the different rooms including doors and windows. I would even draw some of the different furniture pieces and fixtures such as sinks. I would build huge mansions and tiny bungalows.

I would often spend so much time drawing these homes that I would run out of time or daylight to play in them. I often had and still have very vivid dreams about different houses and layouts for them. Designing houses is the main reason that I play the Sims.

I recently found out that my father had once thought that I would be an architect. I sure fooled him. But at least I'm teaching my nephews the values of drawing in the dirt.

Bucket List - Have my dream house built.

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