My number in most of the sports that I played was 15 (or as close to that as I could get). Why 15 you ask. Because that is the number my oldest sister chose to use one time. I wanted to be like my sisters so much that I picked up on these things. I saw that she was 15, so when I got into Jr. High, I chose the number 15 for myself as well.
Bucket List - While I don't really like to run, I would like to run a 5K someday just to say that I've done it.
Having a summer birthday made it hard for me to have regular birthday parties. I really only had one on my 14th birthday. Looking back though, I realize the birthdays I spent camping and at the 4-H fair were pretty amazing ways to spend a birthday. Some of my favorites were camping in the Snowy Range and having a set of grandparents camping along with us, or the time I watched "Singing in the Rain" outside of the Hard Rock in St. Louis, and I'll never forget the birthday spent in Sweden with a visit from my sister.
Bucket List - To go camping in the mountains with friends.
My first airplane ride was when I was a freshman in high school. I was going to be flying on trips during the summers every year of my high school career for either Swedish Dancers or church trips, so to see if I like flying my sister and I flew from Wichita to Denver to meet up with my parents and oldest sister. Luckily I loved flying then and I still love it today.
Bucket List - To visit all 50 states. Have you gotten the idea that I love to travel yet? Blame it on my parents. ;)
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