I have two bachelor degrees. One in Athletic Training and one in Kinesiology. I almost didn't have any. During my first semester in college the freedom I had got the better of me. Living in a house with 60 other girls gave me the excuse that there was always something better to do than study or go to class. Not an excuse I would advise anyone to follow as it found me kicked out of school for a year.
I made the decision that in order to motivate me to get back in college I would stay in Manhattan and work for that year. The following spring I once again started classes and ended up double majoring. I often joke it was because I had to make up for failing the first time. I also became the Vice President and then President of the Kinesiology Student Association.
I use to be very ashamed about all of this, but have found through working at Jennings that this is a good teaching example.
Bucket list- this is silly one, but I want to be able to afford a full tank of gas in my car.
I did the same thing, and now I teach college. I try to help my students that I see on that trajectory, because it's so much easier just to do it right the first time.