First I should describe what this experiment is for me. I decided that I wanted to write down a memory a day for a year. That hasn't exactly been going well for me, but I thought that if I tried a blog, maybe it would at least make me write down a memory once a week.
I've been thinking a lot about my grandparents the past couple of weeks. It really started when I picked up a package of Nibs at the gas station. For me Nibs are one of those things, that no matter how much time has passed, will always remind me of my Grandma Milly. It got me thinking of all the other ordinary, sometimes everyday things that are now special reminders to me. Nibs don't even mean anything to my sisters, but to me I think of Grandma Milly every time I eat them. They were the last Sunday candy I had before she passed. General Hospital also makes me think of her as does rearranging furniture.
For my Grandpa Wally, I think of John Deere, jam, honey roasted peanuts and the Fourth of July. Another special memory is grilled cheese sandwiches, cottage cheese and milk at the sale barn. My sisters would say grilled cheese sandwiches and chocolate milk, but I didn't like chocolate milk, so I got the cottage cheese.
For Grandma Lynn it's apple juice, greeting cards and crackers. Grandpa Frank it would be polar bears, lemon drops, tic-tac-toe and motorcycles.
I could list items like these for every person I know. And some would mean the same thing to others, and some would be my own personal reminders. I'm thankful for these items and the great memories that they bring me.
Fun memories, now I really want a grilled cheese and chocolate milk from the Sale Barn. I will still skip the cottage cheese.